The process of windows virtualization involves 3 steps:
- First create a blank VPS and then manually install windows in it.
- Create an ostemplate out of this newly installed windows.
- From then on, use this ostemplate to create further windows vpses.
When adding a vps, first choose the windows-lxblank.img as the ostemplate, and HyperVM will create a blank vps, which has the cdrom attached, and will automatically boot from the cdrom. You will need to get the Windows ISO image from MS website, and the save it on the slave somwhere, and then link it to /home/wincd.img
- Download the windows installation cd
- ln -sf /full-path-to-the-installation-cd-image /home/wincd.img
Please make sure you use the full, absolute path for the image, and not relative path. Once the vps is created, it will be booted, and you will be able to access the vps via the in-built VNC-client. You will see the standard windows installation screen, and please follow the instructions to install windows on the newly created VPS.
After the installation is complete, click on create Ostemplate button. You will be asked to provide a name, and hyperVM will convert the existing vps into an ostemplate, which you can use later.
After that, when creating a vps, please choose the ostemplate you created, and you will be able to create windows vps in the same manner as you create Linux vpses.